Thursday, July 24, 2008

Encircling Prayer

A common type of Celtic prayer was known as "encircling" or "circling" prayer. ( also known as the caim or prayer of protection) This type of prayer is reminiscent of Psalm 125:2: the Lord surrounds his people and protects them"

an example would be: Lord encirle me keeping out darkness and keeping in light

Choose a person or situation to pray for. Either physically or in your mind circle them. Decide what things to keep witnin and with out.

For example;

Lord encirle Mary with a wall of fire keeping out need keeping in provision, keeping out sickness keeping in health, keeping out doubt and keeping in faith. In the Name of the Father Son and Blessed holy spirit. The sacred Three in One.

Another variation could be:

Lord of the eliments encircle our friends at source ministries, keeping in peace and keeping out emnity, keeping in unity and keeping out discord, keeping in protection keeping out danger in the Name of the Sacred Three in One.

One could actually trace a physical circlein the air, by stretching out the right arm and turning clockwise, while praying the prayer.

I find this type of prayer to be particularly helpful. It gives me a templet for praying into certain situations where i might be at a loss for words. It demonsrtates in a tangable way the reality of God’s protection.

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